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Lining of pits

Lining of pits

A special concrete lining is required in order to stabilize the bottom and sides of a pit, so it retains contaminants or wastewater.

Same as diches, pits also must be lined to protect the environment. Even a small surface of a pit should not stay unlined, because sewage and other pollutions may pass through groundwater and impact microbial life.

As vehicles move close to the pit, there is a risk of destabilizing and collapsing of the soil. But with Tiltex, banks/edges of pits are protected against it.

This is important to adjust Tiltex to the properties of the contaminants that will be held in the pit. Subject to the specific requirement, we may recommend Tiltex Plus, that is enhanced with geomembrane, which thickness varies from 0,2 mm to 2,0 mm. The extra protection is especially important in case of pits filled with, for example, oil or similar liquid.


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