Membrane protection
"Willenberger Masch" is a new building area in Diepholz (Lower Saxony), which is considered as a response to the incessant demand for building land in this town. First, the area, which had previously been used mainly for agriculture, had to be drained, due to water law requirements. In order to optimise the investment costs, it was decided to dispense with the storm sewers in the streets and to utilise the stormwater retention basin in the west of the field to drain the larger area. Therefore, in the first phase, the construction work focused on the creation of a sealed forebay to the unsealed stormwater retention basin, with a floating baffle and inlet.
The accumulating surface water is collected and channeled via the inlet into the forebay and sedimentation basin. From here, the water is led through an overflow into the rainwater retention basin. After completion of the earth subgrade, a geotextile fleece layer was laid on top, to protect the underside of the membrane. Tiltex 9 was laid as a protective layer on top of the membrane. Another layer of Tiltex 9 was laid in the base up to the level of the berm as an additional protective and wearing layer. A total of 1700 m2 of Tiltex 9 was used.
Key advantages of Tiltex 9 in relation to this project:
- roll widths adapted to requirements: 1.25 m - 2.50 m - 5.00 m,
- low freight costs, easy transport,
- possibility of installation also on steep slopes,
- erosion protection - even when not activated,
- easy activation - with small amount of water,
- bond with a high internal shear angle until full activation/curing